4. Properties of the oil


As we all know, olive oil has a lot of health benefits that contribute to the correct functioning of the body, among others it offers help to:

  • Cholesterol: reduces cholesterol levels thanks to its content in HDL fatty acids, which help eliminate the type of cholesterol that harms our body.



  • Hypertension: its content of vitamin E, polyphenols, and oleic acid helps reduce heart diseases such as blood pressure.


  • Liver: cleans the liver and gallbladder.


  • Stomach: helps digestion and protects the stomach from the action of acids, reducing heartburn.


  • Antioxidant: thanks to its vitamin E content, it protects our body against cellular aging.


  • Saciante: helps to calm the sensation of hunger, so it is advisable to consume moderately low-calorie diets, in addition to being associated with the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood.


  • Anti-cancer: regular consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of cancer thanks to the fatty acid content of this oil, its antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids.


  • Immune system: helps in the protection against diseases and strengthens the immune system due to the concentration of essential nutrients.


  • Anti-inflammatory function: relieves pain in joints and muscles, thanks to its organic oleo cantal compound, which also adds a spicy touch to the oil.



  • Benefits for the skin: Restores moisture levels of the skin, since olive oil has large doses of essential fatty acids, rebuilds the cell membranes of the skin, thanks to the action of an oleic acid. It is used in the realization of massages, toning the skin and giving it firmness.


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